LionSteel SR22 Review

An overhead view of the LionSteel SR22 pocket knife with the blade in the open position on top of a moss-covered tree branch.

This LionSteel EDC Sports Some Unique Design Elements That Make It Cool, But There are Issues. Why don’t we start with a spoiler: this is a cool knife that I love. Which makes it being terrible all the more infuriating. Which has a lot to do with why I hate it so bad. And I’m …

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Gude Alpha Chef Knife Review

An overhead view of the Gude Alpha Olivewood handle chef knife on an end grain cutting board.

A Middle of the Road German Chef’s Knife with a Nice Look As far as full-bolster German chef’s knives go, Gude’s Alpha series is mostly what you should expect: It’s heavy and durable and great for rock chopping. It’s not the finest cutter compared to other German-style knives, but it’s the one I’m most inclined …

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Kizer Fixed Blade Knife Guide

An overhead view of five Kizer fixed blade knives sticking out of firewood.

Here’s a Rundown of the Hunting, Camping, and EDC Fixed Blade Knives from Kizer Kizer has always had good sense with fixed blade design. In the early days the releases were pretty minimal, but around the 2023 mark they started pushing into the space more ambitiously, and now they have a respectable line up of …

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Maxsa Blade Knife Review

The Maxsa Blade camping chef knife sticking out of a tree stump in front of a campfire in the forest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

It’s a Big Blade that’s Good for Cooking and Okay at Most Everything Else at the Campsite Key Takeaways: There’s nothing quite like a big, bone-cracking, cleaver-esque knife with a gut hook for campfire cooking. That’s mostly all I wanted to do with this Maxsa Blade, but Maxsa themselves tout this thing as the “perfect …

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Schwarz Knives Lost Trail 5 Review

The Schwarz Lost Trail 5 camp knife with its blade sticking out of a log in the forest.

One of the Most Thought Out Camping Knives I’ve Ever Used As the biggest fixed blade made by Schwarz knives so far, I had some big expectations about the Lost Trail 5, especially because TJ Schwarz gave a detailed run down of the knife when he announced it. The short version of that video is …

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Civivi Cloud Peak Reivew

The Civivi Cloud Peak fixed blade knife sticking out of a stump in a forest.

An Unexpected Classic Outdoor Knife, but a Welcome One The Cloud Peak continues a tiny section of Civivi’s line that I have always wanted them to expand on: Normal looking fixed blades. Up to now, they’ve mostly put out fixed blades that look like rejected Star Trek prototypes (with all due respect to Maciej Torbé; …

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Montana Knife Co. is Releasing EDC Sized Speed Goat 2.0

The Montana Knife Company Mountain Goat 2.0 with an orange paracord handle on a white background.

The Mini-Speed Goat 2.0 takes MKC’s lightweight model down another size category, and it’s available as of Thursday (that’s July 18, for the readers from the future). Here are the highlight features: The sheath design might be the bigger announcement, though, as MKC put quite a bit of effort into making it smaller and lighter …

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CRKT Soldotna Review

The Columbia River Knife and Tool Soldotna fixed blade knife sticking out of a log in a green field.

It’s a lightweight hunting knife with a classic feel to it. The Soldatna design celebrates CRKT’s 30th anniversary. If someone had made me guess what kind of knife they would put out for such an occasion, I wouldn’t have thought of a hunting knife like this. But that’s part of CRKT’s charm. They find a …

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Kitchen Perfection Chef’s Knife Review

The Kitchen Perfection chef knife on a wood cutting board in front of a green background.

A Comfy Take on an Outdoor Kiritsune I didn’t expect to like this knife. I shouldn’t have. There are so many red flags in its various vendor descriptions across the internet, but in practice it actually performs pretty well, and has some nice ergonomic touches. Specifications Overall Length: 12.25” Blade Length: 7.75” Blade Steel: High …

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